
Dacell is providing ultra-precision load cells and various weighting and measuring products,
which can be used in various fields of industries, based on 20 years of experiences in manufacturing
of weighing and measuring products and with own superior technologies.

technical definitions of terminology
  1. Rated capacity (R.C)

    The maximum axial load that a load cell is designed to measure within its specification.
  2. Rated output (R.O)

    The algebraic difference between the outputs at no-load and at rated load.
  3. Non-linearity

    The maximum deviation of the cali-bration curve from a straight line between zepo and rated load outputs, expressed as a percent of the rated output and measured on increasing load only.
  4. Hysteresis

    The maximum difference between output readings for the same applied load one point obtained while increasing from zero and the othr while decreasing from rated output.
    The points are taken on the same continyuous cycle. The deviation is expressed as a percent of rated output.
  5. Repeatability

    acc_05_03.gif The ability of a load cell to reproduce output readings when the same load is applied to it consecutively, under the same conditions, and in the same direc-tion. Repeatability is expressed as the maximum difference between output readings as a percent of rated output.
  6. Zero balance

    The output signal of the load cell with rated exitation and with on load applied, usually expresed in percent of rated output.
  7. Temperature range, compensated

    The range of temperature over which the load cell is compensated to maintain rated output and zero balance withn specific limits.
  8. Temperature range, safe

    The range of temperature over which the load cell may be safely operated up to full scale without causing failure but specifications may not be met.
  9. Temperature effect on rated output

    The change in rated output due to a change in ambient temperature. Usually expressed as +/- a percentage change in rated output per degree C change in ambient temparature, over the compensated temperature range.
  10. Temperature effect on zero balance

    The change in zero balance due to a change in ambient temperature. Usually expressed as +/- a percentage change in rated output per degree C change in ambient temperature, over the compensated temperature range.
  11. Terminal resistance, input

    The resistance of the load cell circuit measured at the excitation terminal, at standard temperture, with no-load applied, and with the output terminals open-circuited.
  12. Terminal resistance, output

    The resistance of the load cell circuit measured at the output signal terminals, at standard temperature, with no-load applied, and with the excitation terminals open-circuited.
  13. Insulation resistance

    The DC resistance expressed in ohms measured between any electrical connector pin or lead wire and the load cell body or case. Normally measured at 50 V DC.
  14. Excitation

    The voltage or current applied to the input terminals of the load cell.

    The maximum load in percent of rated capacity which can be applied without causing a permanent change in the performance specifications.

    The maximum load in percent of rated capacity which can be applied without producing a structural failure.
  17. CREEP

    The change in load cell output occurring with time, while under load, and with all environmental conditins and other variavles remaining constant.
    Usually measured with rated load applied and expressed as a percent of rated output over a specific peridod of time.

    Stated as a limit tolerance which defines the average deviation between the actual output versus theoretical output.
    In practical load cell applicatins, the potential errors of nonlinearity, hysteresis, repeatabilly and temperature effects do not normally occur simultaneously, nor are they necessarily additive.
    Therfore, accuracy is calculated based upon the RMS value of potential erros, assuming a temperture band of ±10℃, full rated load applied, and proper set up and calibration. potential errors of the readout, cross talk, or creep effects are not included.