Датчики силы

Dacell is providing ultra-precision load cells and various weighting and measuring products,
which can be used in various fields of industries, based on 20 years of experiences in manufacturing
of weighing and measuring products and with own superior technologies.

  • Single point load cell
  • High accuracy and low price.
  • Low profile scales and automatic check weight systems
WP Editor :

  • Single point load cell

  • High accuracy and low price.

  • Low profile scales and automatic check weight systems

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Specifications Accuracy
Rated Capacity(R.O.) 3kgf, 10kgf,20kgf,25kgf,50kgf
Rated Output(R.O.) 2mV/V±10%
Nonlinearity 0.02% R.O.
Hysteresis 0.02% R.O.
Repeatability 0.02% R.O.
Creep 0.03% R.O.
Zer Balance ±5% R.O.
Terminal resistance input 420±20Ω
Terminal resistance output 350±2Ω
Insulation resistance bridge 2000㏁
Temperature effect on rated output 0.02% load / 10℃
Temperature effect on zero balance 0.05% R.O. / 10℃
Temperature range, compensated -10℃~50℃
Temperature range, safe -10℃~50℃
Excitation recommended 10V
Safe Overload 150% R.C
Resistance, Input 350Ω±3.5
Cable length Φ3 4Core, 40㎝
Wiring information EXC+ : Red, EXC- : White, SIG- : Green